Standing On A Mountain
"I was fortunate to grow up in Western Washington, and during my youth I was a boy scout. Fortunately the troop I was in did lots of back packing and overnight trips. In my early 30's, I moved to Santa Monica California, which had great hiking trails. While living there I hiked in Yosemite, Kings Canyon, and took several trips to Joshua Tree National Park. During many moments on these trips, there was a great joy and appreciation to be surrounded by such magnificence and a feeling of awe in Mother Earth's creations."
"Because Standing on a Mountain has such a spiritual message to me, I would like to give an extra special thanks to everyone who works in the healing professions, doctors, nurses, hands on massage, acupuncture, nutritionists, care takers, and anyone who has a passion and cares enough to look past their own personal needs to care for others in need."
Written by Jessie Allen Cooper
Vocal: Darryl F. Walker
Guitar: Jack Majdecki
Keyboards: Tim Ponzek
Bass Guitar: Doug Ross
Drums: Jerry Cooper
Harmonica and Tambourine: Jessie Allen Cooper
Special Thanks: Cooper Anderson at Catapult Recordings, Ken Johnson, Howard Hanson, TSean Killeen, Jerry Cooper, Jeff Parsons, and my supportive friends and fans.
"For days I kept dreaming this melody. When I sat at the piano it played itself. As I listened to the song unfolding, the melody and words, came to me like a force of nature. I then realized it reminded me of climbing a mountain as the spirit of God and nature was directing my hands and senses until the song was written."
- Jessie Allen Cooper
Grandfather Rock at Joshua Tree National Park
"I climbed this mountain with my friend Howard Hanson, weaving through tunnels and secret passages, finally reaching the top, and I could feel the energy from the past native people. I noticed carvings on the stone at the top of the rock, with a native fire pit." - J.A.C.