Philatelic Painting for USPS Postal Stamp featuring Jessie Allen Cooper on Tenor Saxophone

Stamp Designs created 1995 by Dean Mitchell, philatelic painting by Charles Lynn Bragg.

Charles Lynn Bragg

I'm humbled to be in the presence of these world-class iconic Jazz Musicians, on this USPS 32-cent stamp

Painting for philatelic page, (top of page) by my personal friend Charles Lynn Bragg, known by friends as Chick Bragg he also calls himself The Raging Art Man.

"Early in 1994 I received a call from Chick at my Santa Monica compound. Chick called to ask if he could take a photo of me for a painting that he was doing. At the time I didn't know what it was for but I said sure, why not. Later that year he called me to tell me that my likeness is on a philatelic page that goes with a USA postal stamp. The setting is a jazz band performing live. He did give me a short haircut and changed my appearance slightly however that's me.

I've known Chick since the early 1980's. We became friends through my association with my picture framing business and as an art collector. Chick is a friend, multi-dimensional artist, animal lover, and humanitarian.

One of the rules pertaining to this part of the stamp is that the characters are not supposed to be known stars. One day I was sitting around with some friends and it came out that several of these musicians have the likeness of other known musicians, notice the drummer looks a lot like Ray Charles."

